We warmly welcome your interest and hope this website can answer many of your questions about Boy Scouting as well as illustrate the positive energy we have here at Troop 138. If you are new to Scouting or are advancing from a Cub Scout Pack and looking to visit or interview Boy Scout Troops, everyone in our Troop 138 family is always willing to answer your questions or show you around. This includes our Boy Scouts, parents, Troop Committee, Merit Badge Counselors, Assistant Scoutmasters, and Scoutmaster. All interested youths and their family all welcome to attend any meeting at any time and experience the family-oriented culture we cultivate and are proud of here at Troop 138.
Boys are eligible to enjoy their Boy Scout journey between the ages of 11 and 18. The highest BSA rank is the Eagle Scout and this must be achieved no later than a Boy Scout's 18th birthday. Troop 138 has proudly seen 75 of our Scouts earn the rank of Eagle Scout. While an Eagle rank has many personal benefits throughout the course of a lifetime, there is much to gain from the Boy Scout journey itself. Scouting offers and provides lasting life skills and friendships, leadership skills, community and diversity appreciation, adventure, development of interests and skills, strengthening of families, recognition of our duty to God and our country, an opportunity to spend a good part of the growing years in an all-around positive place ... and so much more. It will encourage our boys in all the right ways through good role models, reinforcing positive qualities of character and creating a sense of belonging.
Enjoy your visit to our website and we hope to see you soon! Related Links: ABOUT US and 138 PARENTS and 138 EAGLE SCOUTS.